Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thought soup

Kudos to Kate for updating the blog! In response to popular request, we have added pictures to our blog. This was qutie a feat for me as I have very limited skills when it comes to doing anything on the computer. Kate and I have been reading a lot about the statistics behind HIV/AIDs so I will share a little bit with you: about 2/3 of all people with HIV are living in Sub-Saharan Africa. 2.1 million AIDs deaths in sub-Saharan represent 72% of all AIDs deaths worldwide. I also learned that if you combine the number of children with HIV in the U.S. and Europe (about 15,000) that that is equal to the amount of children that Baylor sees at their clinics. According to WHO there are over 4 million children with HIV in Africa. Crazy!

It is definitely great to see some of these kids in clinic. I saw this girl today who started crying when she was told that her adherence to her antiretroviral medications was less than 100% (I think it was around 97%)... She was sad that she would get in trouble at home. I was so impressed that at 8 years old she was able to remember all her meds and able to take them on her own...

On another unrelated note... Believe it or not tonight we are going to eat Mexican food at one of the pediatrician's houses. The other night Kate and I even saw a Cuban film at one of the local schools. And I ran into someone on the walk to work who was from Botswana who had done her dentistry training in Pittsburgh, and had actually heard of Latrobe! No, I did not make her recite all the famous things from my charming hometown :)

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