Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Beginning to get adjusted...

So, Sunday Kate and I called Elliott, our friendly cab driver and had him drive us out to Mokolodi Game Preserve. It is this huge reserve where they organize game drives and cheetah petting- okay so it is kind of like a cross between a zoo and a national park... Anyways we went out in this crowded jeep type vehicle and saw some giraffes, zebras, rhinos, warthogs, impala and kuru free in the park. They were also herding some elephants and there were a couple cheetahs behind a cage. Sadly, the cheetah's mom had been killed by a farmer and they never learned how to hunt so they had to be fed by the preserve...
Afterwards Kate and I stopped at the Game City mall which is HUGE and looks a lot like any mall in the U.S. with tacky stores etc. The funny thing is that there are babboons only about several kms away from the mall hanging out on the side of the road eating trash and picking fleas out from their hair (or whatever it is they do to kill time). Our cabdriver told us he sees them all the time near Kgale hill.
After our adventure Kate and I went to church at the local Catholic church where the singing was amazing! The nuns there still wear a full habit etc. But they gave the best rendition of Amazing Grace that I have ever heard. Off to the adult clinic for the day!!!


Unknown said...

What's a kuru? And did you get to pet the cheetahs?

Unknown said...

Hi Ladies! I promised to post comments if you started a blog. I'm having a good time living vicariously through your adventures. Would looove to see some pics if you can post them! Be safe! -YURI